TCNJ Army ROTC is hosted by the Princeton Army ROTC program but a majority of the training and classes are conducted on the TCNJ campus. Students organize carpools for events that may occur either in Princeton (about 15 minutes away) or at Fort Dix (about 30 minutes away). If there are mandatory events that occur outside of one of those two locations, transportation will generally be provided free of charge.
MSL 101/Leadership and Personal Development
(annually -fall)
Prerequisite: Freshman standing or permission of instructor
An introduction to the ROTC program and the Army. Classes focus on Army leadership and management principles as well as basic soldier skills like first aid and map reading, and familiarization with the U.S. Army’s customs, courtesies, standards, and rank structure. Students also receive an introduction to basic leadership principles expected of military officers.
MSL 102/Introduction to Leadership
Prerequisites: Freshman standing and completion of MSL 101, or permission of the instructor
This course builds on the lessons learned in MSL 101 in basic soldier skills and leadership. Students learn how to use basic leadership and management techniques, improve their competence in basic soldier skills and tactics, and receive further professional development in leadership skills. Students are introduced to the career field opportunities available to Army officers.
MSL 201/Foundations of Tactical Leadership
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and completion of MSL 100-series courses, or permission of the Director, Army Officer Education Program
This course provides students with the opportunity to attain the next level of proficiency in physical fitness, basic soldier skills, problem solving, and leadership. This course introduces the operations order, a format for developing and communicating military operations, as well as further leadership development in effective communications, performance assessment, and counseling. Officer career field opportunities and responsibilities are also addressed in the course.
MSL 202/Foundations of Leadership
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and completion of MSL 201, or permission of the Director, Army Officer Education Program
Students participate in learning activities designed to provide practical experience in the use of the military decision-making processes. Oral presentation techniques and historical analysis of military decision-making are also critical components of the course. Students prepare to assume cadet non-commissioned officer leadership roles within the cadet command structure. This course serves as a pre-requisite to attendance at the U.S. Army Airborne School in the summer between sophomore and junior years.
MSL 301/Adaptive Team Leadership
Prerequisites: Junior standing and completion of the basic course (MSL 100 and 200 series, or advanced placement)
Enrollment in this course marks a commitment to completing the ROTC program and receiving a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. To this end, cadets study and practice the leadership aspects of planning and executing small unit tactical operations. Further emphasis is given to development of leadership skills as measured by the Cadet Leadership Development Program, an evaluation system designed to improve an individual’s competence as a military leader. Cadets get hands-on practice on these skills through assigned leadership positions within the cadet command structure. Cadets continue to refine their individual physical fitness and assist seniors in leading unit fitness sessions.
MSL 302/Applied Team Leadership
Prerequisites: Junior standing and completion of MSL 301
This course provides the cadets their final preparation for the National Advanced Leadership Camp normally attended in the summer between junior and senior years. Cadets refine their individual and military leadership, with practical exercise opportunities and feedback from senior cadets and instructors. The course emphasizes leadership in small units, use of the military operations order, land navigation, and physical fitness.
MSL 401/Adaptive Leadership
Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of MSL 300-series courses
Cadets assume leadership roles within the cadet command structure. Cadets study the nature of military professionalism with respect to their future duties as officers. Students learn how to assess performance and to plan and supervise training using the Army’s training management system. The course strives to develop habits of independent study with historical readings and oral presentations. Cadets gain practical leadership experience as they lead the Army ROTC program.
MSL 402/Leadership in a Complex World
Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of MSL 401
This course provides the final preparation for an officer’s commissioning. Learning activities include the Army Command Policy, Administrative Law, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, officer and enlisted evaluation and promotion systems, senior-subordinate relationships, performance counseling, and a tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield. Cadets gain practical leadership experience as they lead the Army ROTC program.